Edgewood Ecovillage is the product of years of planning (and going back to the drawing board) for making an ecovillage. We here at FMV are happy to say that we are glad things are underway to making this project a reality!

FMV’s First Ecovillage – Edgewood Ecovillage

We are building a sustainable affordable housing development for adults (seniors). It will be a full ecovillage, by the definition given by the Global Ecovillage Network. As we complete each phase of development, we will keep people updated here on this website. However, once Edgewood Ecovillage is ready to receive residents, it will be getting its own website. FMV is just a consultant in this process, and while we may be residents, we are NOT in charge. We are just here to make sure that things move smoothly and toward the final goal: sustainable, affordable living for ages 50+.

Forest & Meadow Villages Inc. (FMV) has experience with past projects in real estate investment and land development:

Forest (Allister Cucksey) has a Masters degree in Rural Development and has a background in research and statistics, as well as economics and non-profit organizations. Meadow (Sharon Eby Buydens) has a BA degree in Cultural Anthropology/Social Science and a background in administration, Board of Directors (incl. past President), Project Manager, and Organizing Assistant for multiple non-profits, as well as land development, real estate investment (flips, buy-and-holds, rehabs, multifamily) and property management in both the US and Canada. Together they have experience in research, writing (articles and books), permaculture, green building and passive solar home design, and other interests and experience that they bring to the table.

Ecovillages are a perfect sustainable system design that will ensure a positive future for our rural communities.

About Edgewood Ecovillage

Edgewood Ecovillage Ltd (non-profit organization) started the forming phase as of May 27, 2022 (finalized spring 2023), and began the capacity building phase as of late 2023. As of winter 2024/2025 the Planning phase began, which will be followed by development/construction in the coming year; then we should see this sustainable affordable housing project come to fruition–complete with a Members Activity Centre (the “MAC”), permaculture gardens and free courses, and a walking trail/boardwalk to the sea (Pubnico area).

UPDATE – A Change has Occurred

The Capacity Phase included a land survey that had Environment Nova Scotia requirements that pushed back the subdivision property line and reduced the buildable area. The Board weighed out the options and chose to move the Edgewood Ecovillage location from Pubnico to Yarmouth (still within Yarmouth County), so plans are changing to accommodate that, which will remove the “boardwalk to the sea” part, but will still include everything else, plus potentially open up housing for others, including possibly families and vulnerable populations (domestic abuse survivors, transitional housing for homeless), etc.

Location will be moved to Yarmouth (or Tusket as backup). This ecovillage will be the first of its kind to use “ecovillage” as not just a sustainable business model, but also an “affordable housing” model. The homes will be small 1-2 bedrooms and likely clustered in groups, with a total of up to 30 units and 20-60 people living in the community. All homes will be passive solar, energy efficient, and Net-Zero ready. Permaculture food forests and edible landscaping, plus walking paths are in the plan.

The United Nations has put forth the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) that countries around the world are currently working on to do things like eliminate poverty, hunger, homelessness, reduce energy waste and increase energy efficiency, and help reduce carbon footprints to mitigate man-induced climate change (the natural cycle of climate change was already underway, but has definitely sped up in the last 50 years due to human industrial and other activities). Edgewood Ecovillage is being designed and built according to the SDGs that Canada is also presently promoting and following wherever it can.

This ecovillage will have small homes (likely apartments, smaller than regular houses, and larger than ‘Tiny Homes’) available to tenants who live in Nova Scotia, specifically for ages 50+ (primary applicants), but with the location move this may open up to families and others as well. All homes will be accessible and the same affordable housing criteria will be in effect for those wanting to live there, including criteria for sustainable living to be sure all applicants who are accepted will be a good fit.

A waiting list for applying will be available at a later date.

Read our Blog for updates!