About Us – Forest & Meadow Villages
Our Core Values
Our values include sustainable practices for earth, people, and all life on the planet, including and especially in these areas:

Our Journey
Forest (Allister) and Meadow first met each other in an online Permaculture group in June 2016. They immediately began discussing hempcrete and other alternative construction methods, building designs, ecovillages and sustainability, food forests and many other topics. In 2017, Meadow drove from Surrey, British Columbia to meet Forest (in person) where he lived in Brandon, Manitoba on her way across Canada. She moved to Ontario for a summer, finally landing in Nova Scotia by August 2017; it is here she purchased 11 acres in West Pubnico. Their friendship grew into love, and by 2020–in the height of Covid–Forest moved from Manitoba to Nova Scotia to be with Meadow permanently, and so they could design and build ecovillages together.
Together on June 10, 2021, they formed their business, Forest & Meadow Villages Inc, so that they could build their first village, Edgewood Ecovillage (a nonprofit) on their property, while also helping others design and get their own ecovillages built. This is the goal of FMV, and the dream of Forest and Meadow… to help build villages in Atlantic Canada, and later in other provinces and beyond. Since 2024, Luna (Hannah) has joined them in this endeavour and more villages are and will be added as they continue the journey.
Our Team & Projects
Development Artisan, CED, Research, CEO
(Crafting sustainable futures through visionary research & design)
Ecovillage Project Navigator, Green Building, CFO
(Navigating the community development process from vision to reality)
Holistic Connection Weaver, Social Media, Administration
(Threading connections between people and communities through media, communication, and collaboration)
Past and Current
Projects and Villages
Land and Reconciliation Declaration
We, the board and staff of Forest & Meadow Villages inc., make this Land & Reconciliation Declaration as the first step towards reconciliation between the settled peoples of Nova Scotia and the Mi’kmaq people. This acknowledgement is a celebration of those who live on, and are connected to, the land.
“This land is known as Mi’kma’ki [and the Wabanaki Confederacy], the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People. This land is governed by the treaties of Peace and Friendship, first signed by the Mi’kmaq, Wolastoqey, Peskotomuhkatiyik, and the British Crown in 1726. These treaties did not implicate or affirm the surrender or transfer of land to the British but recognized Mi’kmaq and Wolastoqey title and set the rules for what was to be a long-standing relationship between nations, initially preventing war and facilitating trade… We recognize that we are all treaty people and have responsibilities to each other and this land” (SOURCE).
We come from across Mi’kma’ki, as well as other nations in Canada. Some of us are tied to this land by birth, some by choice, but all by a love for the land and its many peoples. We will live, feed our community, work, and play on this land. Which This is why we feel it is important to protect and honour the land and all those connected to it. We do not want our words to ring hollow, so we understand that action must back up our words. This Land & Reconciliation Declaration is the beginning of the work ahead of us, not the end. We are all treaty people, we are all responsible for each other, for whatever land we stand on, and for ourselves.
Our Location
Click here to see our “Location” page.
Our Policies
FMV does not collect any data or web information about you. There should be no cookies in use, and if there are, please let us know. We respect your privacy, and we personally hate all the tracking software that is currently used. For a more detailed version of these policies please click the buttons below. (This Section Still Under Construction)